Tonight we had an oprhan care meeting at church. It was amazing. There were over 200 people at the meeting. There were people there who have adopted domestically and/or internationally, who participate in foster care, and there were people in all sorts of phases of adoption. Some people were in the beginning stages of research and still praying about adoption. Some, like us, were in the middle of the process of adoption. And there were many who had already completed the process once, even multiple times.
The meeting consisted of people sharing their stories about international adoption, domestic adoption, and foster care. We also listened to a segment about financial responsibilities and support regarding adoption.
It is amazing to see how God is working in our church and in the lives of individuals and families. The meeting motivated us, encouraged us, and confirmed the decision we have made. We just want to bring our child home.
It's tough being patient!
Here is the blog from the Summit Church's website about the Orphan Care Meeting.
We are always waiting for news about your process and experience. And make no mistake about it, we are waiting with GREAT EXCITEMENT!! The six of you and the new baby are all in our prayers everyday! We love you!