Sunday, June 26, 2011

Adopted for Life - A Sermon by Russell Moore

As we are filling out more paperwork and preparing to send it off to the United States Immigration Services, our church was hosting an "Orphan Care" weekend. Around the time Jason and I decided to pursue adoption, our church formed an Orphan Care Ministry. Jason and I have become involved in that, and it's been neat to watch it grow. This past Sunday, Russell Moore, author of "Adopted for Life" preached on adoption. His sermon was phenomenal, and I would encourage everyone to watch it.

If for some reason the link does not embed properly in my post, here's how to find it:
Click on Watch/Hear Sermons
Click on Adopted for Life by Russell Moore (June 26, 2011)


  1. thanks for posting. I'm downloading it now so I can watch it later.

    Love you and your big ole heart!!!

    Aunt Donna

  2. Good sermon! How sad to think of the silence they experienced in the orphanage and the reason behind it. Did you experience that? Also, reminding us in his sermon that we are adopted too made my salvation that much more special. Thanks for sharing.

    Aunt Donna

  3. Fantastic.
    (Actually, its Phill.)
