Monday, January 9, 2012

Pictures, Pictures and Swimming

There's not much to share about our day today. We had a lovely breakfast at the hotel, and then Svetla met us so we could travel into the city for some adoption business.

We went to the police station so they could take Olivia's picture for her passport. It's kind of like going to the post office in the US when we get our passports, but all of our paperwork was already done. They just had to snap a picture. We were in and out pretty quick. After that, we headed to a local photo shop to take pictures to send to the US Embassy. Once those things were completed, we were able to have the day to ourselves.

We returned to the hotel and I took a nice nap while Jason entertained Olivia. Well, I say entertain, but we have found that Olivia is fantastic about entertaining herself. Once I woke up, we ventured out the "cinema," which was located next to our hotel. It's a movie theater that has a huge food court. We enjoyed lunch at a restaurant, and then returned to our hotel. I guess it was only fair that Jason got a nap since I got one this morning. But, again, I got to check my email and create my newest Jazzercise set while Olivia entertained herself with stickers, crayons and her "ochila" (sunglasses).

Many have asked and been concerned about the fact that Olivia is potty trained. Concerned because "how in the world will we know when she has to go to the bathroom?" Before parting with her foster mother, we asked what Olivia said when she had to go to the bathroom. We picked up on those words quickly, and thankfully, we haven't had any accidents since we took her. She's been great about telling me when she has to go, and more often than not, she does exactly what she said she needs to do.

With the "potty issue" mostly under control, we decided that this afternoon we would take Olivia to the indoor pool here at the hotel. It was cold and snowing, so taking her to the pool was a great option. Jason said she had a good time, but clung to his neck the entire time. I was able to get a picture before heading back to the room. Enjoy the photo, and hopefully the weather will clear up and we'll get to go sightseeing tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates! Thinking about y'all all the time!

    Ann Koonce
